Monday, November 29, 2004

nukkin' spitexas

It ain't lookin' good for teehoos. Unfortunately there has been an underwhelming response in reasons not to nuke the lone brain cell state. Well, they are famous for bar bee que!!! yee haa!!!


SheaNC said...

Say... why do you want to nuke 'em, anyway..?

SheaNC said...

Say... why do you want to nuke 'em, anyway..?

Mike of the North said...
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Mike of the North said...

In reference to Nukin' baja OK. i.e tex-ass. It's a natural response to most of the pisswads that inhabit that section of the country. It is their solution as to what to do to anyone or anywhere that might be different than them or disagree with them. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Besides, DDT is illegal.

p.s. It's all in good humor you know. I would never really advocate the random massacre of innocents, I'll leave that level of criminality to georgie boy. However if they ever develop a bio weapon that targets religious zealots and bigots....;)

SheaNC said...

It would add some nice beachfront property to New Mexico...

Mike of the North said...

Flaco Jimenez, Joe Ely, Molly Ivins, Freddy Fender, Augie Meyers. Buddy Holly