Friday, November 12, 2004

Reconquest of Atzlan

Remember the U.S. war of 1846? Tee hee, of course you don't. History class was a distraction from Mary's ass. If you think the South is gonna rise again you is right! The reconquest of Atzlan is happening now! Lest you think me a bigot that would wish to deny the brown ones their rightful due, let me say I rejoice in the poetic justice of the reconquest. After all the war of 1846 was just another example of a US imperial land grab. They’re just grabbing back, and they’re doing it in a genetically superior way, NONVIOLENTLY! VIVA ATZLAN!
Biggest deficit in history
Foreign intervention
Has yet to veto one spending bill
Massive increase in the size of the bureaucracy
yeah right!

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